The study is designed to explore the perceptions of the public regarding terrorism
and the role media is playing in shaping public perceptions, in the light of
setting theory. The study focuses on the relationship between media and terrorism,
and to find
how opinions are changed due to media regarding terrorism. It
further focuses on how media is creating fear and anxiety among people by
portraying exa
ggerated news about terrorism, how the opinions of the Pakistani
public are being affected, and also the opinions of people worldwide
For this
data w
collected through survey and
the researchers
applied stratified
sampling, specified based on age
, gender, and education, and enrolled in
Foundation University
Rawalpindi. For this purpose, a well
questionnaire was designed. The results reveal that terrorism is an act of violence
and that media and terrorism have a symbiotic relationship. The
overall study
shows that media is a powerful tool for attracting the general public, and thus
terrorists are using media as a tool to spread a wave of terror among the general
public and to achieve their political goals and media is also playing a vital r
ole in
changing public opinions by exaggerating news