Objectives: To unfold any relationship of ABO blood groups to medical diseases and personality traits. Methodology: This cross sectional study was carried out in the Medicine Department of Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi Pakistan from May 2016 to September 2016 and 75 individuals were included. The Tube method involving both forward and reverse blood typing was used to determine the blood groups of the individuals. They were asked about the existing medical illnesses and available records were also checked prior to labeling the patients with a particular ailment. Five personality traits were evaluated. The relationship of ABO blood group with medical diseases and personality traits was studied by Contingency Coefficient. The independent predictors of ailments and personality traits were analyzed by regression analysis. Results: The commonest blood group was B+ive; physical illness was allergic rhinitis and personality trait was opened to gain new experiences. ABO blood groups didn’t show any association with medical illnesses (p>0.05). We found no association of blood groups with personality traits (p>0.05). Blood group was not an independent predictor of medical ailments and personality traits (p>0.05) but age was found to be predictor of ailments (p<0.05). Conclusion: No association of ABO blood group with medical illnesses and personality traits was found in this study.