Objective: Study was conducted for 6 months in PIMS Hospital Islamabad. Data was collected on self-structured Questionnaire, Respiratory distress scoring, Objective tools of Arterial blood gases and vital signs with signed consent.
Methodology: The subjects were randomly allocated in experimental and control groups. Baseline data was collected and re-collected on Day 0 and Day 7 respectively and assessed using non-probability convenient sampling technique. Both groups were given standard medical and nursing care.
Results: The experimental group was given single treatment regimen i.e. Deep breathing exercises (with 5-10 repetitions of each DBE being possible onto patient for 15-30 minutes twice daily). The control group was given 10-15 cycles of ISM with prior steam inhalation and nebulization with salbutamol for a period of 15-20 minutes for 35-45 minutes twice daily for a period of 07 days.
Conclusion: The experimental group results show that deep breathing exercises are significantly effective in improving post burn complications like pneumonia in patients suffering from second degree inhalation burns.