Objective: To evaluate knowledge of hand cleanliness among medical services providers at the institute.
Study Design: KAP Survey.
Place and Duration of Study: Tertiary Care Institute, Rawalpindi from Feb 2020 to May 2020.
Methodology: Methodology constituted of a web and paper-based questionnaire based on relevant studies and World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines. A pilot study carried out at 15-20 participants for questionnaire validation and reviewed by independent experts for face validity, a final questionnaire comprised of 10 questions in addition to information on demographic profile and professional overview.
Results: Total 780 participants participated in the study and data extracted from their responses. Out of 780, 200 (25.6%) were doctors while 580 (74.4%) were nursing staff, assistants and paramedical staff. 612 (78.5%) participants were aware of the significance of hand hygiene. 192 (24.6%) participants preferred alcohol rub whereas 588 (75.4%) used soap & water.
Conclusion: Appropriate hand hygiene knowledge persuaded among healthcare professionals and paramedical staff, ensuring patient safety and prevention of infections. Behavioural modification and constant surveillance are critical to the successful implementation