This study was aimed to assess the test-retest reliability of the Urdu translated version of CAPS-5 using the data
of 140 survivors who experienced life threatening trauma in the previous month.
Material and Methods:
The assessments were carried out at two different times, initial assessment (Time 1) was performed 01
month after trauma and the second assessment (Time 2) was done 15 days after initial administration. The data was collect
ed from a public hospital, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) in the month of December 2018.
Cross language and test re-test reliability were assessed, high stability in correlation and coefficient between two
scores were seen in two different versions (English and Urdu) over in two different times.
Alpha reliability of 20 items of CAPS-5 .94- .92, and .93 to .62 for each symptom indicate satisfactory of Urdu
version. However, the internal consistency is little higher than original English version .88 and test re-test reliability .83.
Key words:
Test-retest Reliability, Cross Language Validation, PTSD, CAPS-5.