nvmslot898 slot demo https://ejurnal.sttkadesiyogyakarta.ac.id/cor4d/ Publication - Men's Perception of Post-Marriage Body Image: Pakistan Milieu

Men's Perception of Post-Marriage Body Image: Pakistan Milieu

Urwah Ali; Subaita Zubair
The present psychological anthropological study tends to explore the perception of single men and their understanding of cultural role regarding post-marriage body between both genders. A qualitative methodology of in-depth interviews and one focus group discussion were employed. The sample included late adolescents (aged 18–24) and early adults (24–34) from Islamabad and Rawalpindi (Pakistan). Purposive sampling was applied and thematic analysis was used as a qualitative paradigm. The number of respondents comprised of 17 males of which each 7 were gym-goers. Results highlighted that Pakistani culture has its biased and paradoxical ways when it comes to expectations genders face with regard to body after marriage. Overall, males have an upper hand when it comes to body image both pre and post marriage. With the female body, men associate modesty and role of spouse and with their own body its supremacy. Expectations are not much held for men with regard to body image, but if they are looking after their body, it is all out of their own will, needs, reason and to some extent on spouse demand.
research from:
Type of Publication:
Culture & Psychology
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