The aim of the current study is to examine the impact of perceived
ease of use of eWOM, knowledge sharing motivation and perceived
usefulness of eWOM on intention to use eWOM for making online
purchases. Upon theory of reasoned action and technology
acceptance model the study hypothesized that attitude towards
eWOMfor online purchase mediates the relationshp between
inspirational factors and intention to use eWOM. To test the
hypothsized relationships data was collected from social network sites
users conveniently. 272 valid respondents were analyzed via SPSS.
Preacher and Hayes PROCESS macro was used for the purpose of
testing mediation. Results showed that all inspirational factors had
significant effect on intention to use eWOM. Moreover, attitude
towardseWOM was also found to be a significant mediator between
perceived ease of use of eWOM, knowledge sharing motivation and
perceived usefulness of eWOM, and intention to use eWOM for
making online purchases.