nvmslot898 slot demo https://ejurnal.sttkadesiyogyakarta.ac.id/cor4d/ Publication - Industry Cluster Resources Impacting Dual Innovations inPakistan’s IT Sector: Mediating Effect of Knowledge & Learning Processes

Industry Cluster Resources Impacting Dual Innovations inPakistan’s IT Sector: Mediating Effect of Knowledge & Learning Processes

Noor ul Hadi; Ali Qureshi; Muzaffar; Nabegha Mahmood
This research investigates as to how industry cluster resources orchestrate knowledge and learning processes which consequently through their mediating influence attain exploratory and exploitative innovations or organizational ambidexterity. Using survey research design, 655 questionnaires were analyzed from 348 firms in Pakistani IT sector using convenience sampling. Findings revealed that when based on strong theoretical recommendations, SECI perspective (socialization and externalization); knowledge management perspective (Knowledge transfer and application) and learning organization perspectives (intuition from 4I framework) are combined as knowledge and learning processes; the construct validities and reliabilities of the same as higher order construct were confirmed and found satisfactory through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. For hypotheses testing, Process Macro bootstrapping method was employed. Simple mediator model confirmed partial mediating influence of knowledge and learning processes on the pathway between industry cluster resources and organizational ambidexterity. Furthermore, findings of parallel multiple mediator model confirmed the individual mediating effects of knowledge management processes, knowledge creation/SECI processes, and intuition between antecedent and outcome variables. Overall, findings suggested that industry cluster resources increase the attainment of organizational ambidexterity, via combined effect of knowledge and learning processes by .2685 points. Future research may be carried out on various other combinations of variables from three perspectives in other industries, cultures and scenarios. Managers, leaders and policy makers should facilitate processes based on knowledge and learning perspectives for their employees instead of incorporating processes from either of the three perspectives.
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Type of Publication:
City University Research Journal

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