nvmslot898 slot demo https://ejurnal.sttkadesiyogyakarta.ac.id/cor4d/ Publication - An Innovative Mentorship Behavior Model Imperative For Sustainable Higher Education

An Innovative Mentorship Behavior Model Imperative For Sustainable Higher Education

Syed Muhammad Ali Tirmizi
A sustainable approach in the mentorship of the mentees is a prerequisite for a vibrant and continuously developing higher education sector of a country. This study has investigated the perceived mentorship behavior of the mentors, the PhD faculty members teaching at higher education level in public and private sectors of Pakistan. Theory of mentors’ roles by Kram (1985) has been used to record mentors responses relating; age, gender, academic rank, confidence and anxiety levels, career support, intellectual growth, psychosocial development and research supervision which are major mentor functions. A sample of 515 PhD faculty members out of which 335 belong to 19 public sector and 180 from 8 private sector universities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi have been studied. A total of 440 responses have been analyzed using stratified random sampling technique after conducting initial validation of the research instrument. Additionally the overall reliability resulted 0.80 value of cronbach alpha for the perceived mentorship behavior scale. The statistical tests revealed that the perceived mentorship behavior model is statistically fit and highly significant in explaining that mentors compassionately and dedicatedly focused on the career support, intellectual growth, psychosocial development and research supervision of the mentees during the mentorship arrangements in the universities.
research from:
Type of Publication:
percieved behavior; mentorship; higher education
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.

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